title & welcome

The Freeman Family
Welcome to our family scrapbook - pictures and stories from our day to day lives... all the fun & laughter, trials & triumphs... ENJOY!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The things they say...

CADE's story:
As I was finishing up getting ready one morning, Cade was in the bathroom with me. He had been playing, but decided at this time to spin around in circles. I warned him against the danger of dizziness & falling, which, as a two-year-old, he obviously ignored. After making several rounds, he stopped, started again, then stopped as if he'd just had a revelation. "Mom! I'm making the house spin round and round!" he announced. I warned him again to be careful about getting too dizzy & falling, to which he responded, "I be fine. I make the house spin round and round again!" Ahhh, the joys of a two-year-old...

HUDSON's story:
During breakfast conversation, Hudson was telling me that a mosquito had tried "to suck his blood" while playing outside the day before, which led to a conversation about why we have blood in our body & what it does. I generally tried to tell him that blood is very important to our bodies... that it travels to all the parts of our bodies, carries nutrients & vitamins, and helps our body parts to work properly, like our heart, lungs, brains, etc. Hudson thought for a moment, then made a statement about blood, vitamins, Jesus, & hearts. I didn't quite catch what all he was saying & certainly couldn't fit it into our current conversation. So, I asked him to repeat what he'd said. Of course he sighed heavily 'cause Mom just didn't get it the first time, and said, "When I eat my vitamin, blood takes it to my heart and Jesus eats some, too, cause Jesus lives in our hearts!" WOW! I was blown away! First, that he pays so much attention in Sunday school obviously, and second that he just put all that together so logically! He did go on to say that Jesus could only be a little part of his heart because he was little & had a little heart, but that Jesus did knock on the door of our hearts sometimes. Awww...

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