title & welcome

The Freeman Family
Welcome to our family scrapbook - pictures and stories from our day to day lives... all the fun & laughter, trials & triumphs... ENJOY!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sick x 3

School's out! It's Christmastime! And all three children are sick :( After a weekend trip to the doctor it was determined that 1) Hudson has strep = 10 days of antibiotic, 2) Cade's lungs are clearing, but not quite there yet = continue breathing treatments for few more days, 3) Callie has infection in both ears = 10 days of anitbiotic... Well, hopefully Howie & I can stay well (we're doubling up on vitamins! ha!), so we'll all be medicated, but better by Christmas. :)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Hope they feel better soon :)
Merry Christmas!