title & welcome

The Freeman Family
Welcome to our family scrapbook - pictures and stories from our day to day lives... all the fun & laughter, trials & triumphs... ENJOY!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Callie is 11 months!

WOW! 11 months old! It's time to start thinking about somebody's 1st birthday!!!
Callie Jewel... you are a hoot! You've got 5 teeth in, with #6 well on its way... You'll walk holding on to someone's hands. You've got really good balance, but you're just not sure you're ready to start stepping out on your own yet :) You even "bear crawl" sometimes (on your hands & feet) just to be up on your feet (plus your knees get caught in dresses & slow you down - ha! ha!)... Your dance moves now include a "twist & shout" along with your "bounce & bob"!.. You know what you want, when you want it! You're doing pretty well drinking "big girl milk" out of a sippy, but will quickly tell us if that's not what you want :) .. You can quickly track down those brothers if you can hear them, but can't see them... You put the brush right to your head when given a hairbrush, and you like to help take your clothes off, too (as evidenced by the pictures - he! he!)... You are a smart little girl!!
Love you, Callie!!

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