title & welcome

The Freeman Family
Welcome to our family scrapbook - pictures and stories from our day to day lives... all the fun & laughter, trials & triumphs... ENJOY!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Callie = 18 months!!

Oh, my... this little girl is a mess, and totally rotten!! Can't believe she is 18 months old... half-way to next birthday, #2! 
Let's see... how can I best describe her now?
**New words: shoe, door, George (the cat), Daisy (sounds like Daddy)
**New phrase: "Let's see"... I was carting her through the grocery store one day and I kept glancing at my list then moving on to the next item. I'd say, "Let's see...", and she'd repeat, "Let's see..." Now it's become a common phrase :)
**I've described her to friends & family as a human tornado. She pulls out everything and drops it along her path as she sweeps through the house. On a good day, you can get her to put a few things "ba" (back).
**She is very mischievous!! She likes to get into the dog's food & water, and even try a bit out for herself. She's dumped the salt shaker on the kitchen table twice. At any given moment, you can find her trying to access the computer. And watch out if she ever gets her hands on a remote or cell phone. Haha!
**Callie is fearless! On the play set outside, she goes up the ladder and down the slide - all by herself! She flies off the bottom of the slide, landing in the pine bark, and laughing all the way.
Trying out one of Mommy's shoes
Sitting on the pull toy
Dragging out dolls & stuffed animals for a floor palette
Such a sweet, little, innocent face :)
Callie Jewel - You are so much fun, and so challenging, every day! We love you so very much!!

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